2012 Grants Awarded

Agency LogoProgram DescriptionTarget BeneficiariesGrant Award
ACTSAction in Community Through Service
ACTS Supportive After Care Wellness Program

The program will provide access to primary health care for medically under served residents in the emergency shelters that are operated by ACTS. ACTS will actively engage clients to educate them about the medical opportunities that exist and are affordable to its clients. ACTS staff will encourage clients to consult medical professionals for exams and preventative care recommendations.
450 individuals using ACTS shelters in South Eastern Prince William County$181,643
(12 month)
GreaterPrinceWilliamCommunityHealthCenterGreater Prince William Community Health Center
Expanding Access to Dental Services in Prince William County

Funding will allow low income, uninsured families access to low cost root canal and crown services.
200 residents of Prince William County between the ages of 18-64, at/or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.$139,907
(12 month)
MatthewsCenterMatthew’s Center
Expansion of Autism Services

Expanding Matthew’s Center’s autism services into the Potomac Health Foundation service area will provide access to essential Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) supportive services to individuals age 5-21 with severe autism and/or intellectual/cognitive, physical, and behavioral/social disabilities and who have a high incidence of aggression, self-injurious behavior (SIB), and elopement. These services include educational instruction, afterschool recreation and leisure programs and Summer Camp. The only scientifically valid treatment for autism thus far is Applied Behavior Analysis.
82 individuals with severe autism and/or intellectual/cognitive, physical, and behavioral/social disabilities who live in the PHF service area. $293,869
(12 month)
MCCPMedical Care for Children Partnership Foundation
Medical Care for Children Partnership Foundation

This program is designed to provide access to health care for children in low-income families who do not qualify for any public or private insurance.
80 children aged 0 – 18, residing in zip code 22079, without access to affordable health insurance, with family incomes below 250% FPL.$86,982
(12 month)
PRTCPotomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission
Transportation Voucher Program to facilitate access to health care needs

Ease the mobility challenges through a transportation voucher program for health-related trips, thereby providing access for vulnerable populations to medical appointments, counseling, dialysis, chemotherapy, prescriptions, etc.
Elderly (80+), disabled, and low income (up to 1.9 times Federal poverty level) individuals who reside in the PHF’s service area within Prince William County, about 50,000 individuals.$362,673
(12 month)
PrinceWilliamAreaFreeClinicPrince William Area Free Clinic
Prince William Area Free Clinic
Unified Health Center

Services provided by the Prince William Area Free Clinic (PWAFC) in eastern Prince William County are currently provided in three separate locations. Consolidation of these services will facilitate access to medical care to underserved residents of Prince William County.
The PWAFC serves uninsured, indigent residents of PWC meeting 125% of the state poverty guidelines. There are 69,309 uninsured people in PWC.
(12 month)
PWC-SealPrince William County Department of Social Services
Adult Services

Increase Medicaid access to vulnerable and disabled adults to help reduce adult abuse and neglect. This grant would enable the residents to receive services, if they are eligible, in a more comprehensive, timely time-frame than what is currently occurring.
200 vulnerable adults in Prince William County who live in the grant-served zip code areas and apply for Medicaid and the Medicaid pre-admission waiver screening services.$70,626
(12 month)
PWC-SealPrince William County Department of Social Services
Case Coordinator for Health and Supporting Services: Access for the most vulnerable homeless adults

The program will provide a case coordinator to assist the most vulnerable homeless adults with access to health and supporting services.
100 most vulnerable homeless adults in Prince William County attend the Drop In Center program$35,863
(12 month)
SentaraSentara Northern Virginia Medical Center
Family Health Connection Mobile Clinic

Uninsured, low income patients seen at Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center will be financially screened and filtered to an appropriate medical home, assisted with medications and specialty services, ultimately reducing the number of unnecessary return visits and readmissions across the board
500 uninsured, low income people in Eastern Prince William County and North Stafford.$39,936
(12 month)
SentaraSentara Northern Virginia Medical Center
Hispanic Diabetes Outreach Program

Increased access to the diabetes education program in the Hispanic population in Prince William County by serving at least 125 new Hispanic patients with diabetes by June 2013.
The target population is the low-income, uninsured Hispanic population in Prince William county with the diagnosis of diabetes$37,915
(12 month)
SentaraSentara Northern Virginia Medical Center
Sentara Potomac Women’s Health Mammovan

This grant will improve geographic and financial access to mammography and women’s health services for the low income and uninsured women in the Potomac Health Foundation service area. In 2011, the Foundation funded the capital necessary to acquire the Potomac Women’s Health Mammovan, but did not fund operational expenses. This grant covers the operational expenses necessary to serve the target population. In addition, this grant includes patient care expenses necessary for the early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancer.
1,600 services will be provided to low income (below 200% FPL) and uninsured women in PHF service area$398,206
(12 month)
House_splash_white_largeThe House, Inc. Student Leadership Center
The House, Inc.
EmpowerMEnt Center

The House, Inc.’s EmpowerMEnt Center is aimed at eliminating behavior concerns/conflicts to resolve personal and interpersonal issues within underserved adolescents/families.
Approximately 300 individuals, in grades 4-12, to provide intensive services with an additional 900 beneficiaries.$119,000
(12 month)
YouthForTomorrowYouth for Tomorrow
YFT Diagnostic and Assessment Center

Increase early screening for mental health disorder and access to community-based mental health interventions and services for 350 children and youth.
Children, ages 3 to 18, in PHF catchment area, regardless of insurance, as long as referred by community agency and/or Physician.$319,400
(12 month)
PoisonHelpNational Capital Poison Center
Poison Control Services to Foundation’s Service Area

Poisoning outcomes will be optimized for at least 3,000 callers who contact NCPC for immediate, expert, free medical guidance in poison emergencies or for answers to questions about drugs or poisons. Of patients not already in a health care facility at the time of the initial call to NCPC, who are managed without additional health care intervention, less than 2% will have a serious outcome.
Children, parents, adults, seniors, babysitters, grandparents, health professionals and first responders who live and work in the Potomac Health Foundation’s service area: 365,500 individuals.$169,991
(12 month)
novamNorthern Virginia AIDS Ministry (NOVAM)

HIV/AIDS Prevention Education, Community Outreach & Testing

Increasing access to HIV CTR (Counseling, Testing and Referral) and comprehensive prevention education (Face to Face program) through already established and community-supported NOVAM interventions
Youth and young adults (14-29) in Prince William County, with a focus on high-risk and MSM youth. Provide counseling, testing and referral (CTR) to 250 youth and prevention education to 2,000 youth.$50,707
(12 month)
PMAH logoProject Mend-A-House, Inc.
Preventing Falls for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities

Project Mend-A-House’s program will prevent falls from occurring and/or from reoccurring through education; collaboration with other agencies and not for profit organizations; providing medical alert monitoring equipment to seniors, disabled and other potentially at-risk clients; installing daily assistive living safety equipment; and completing home repairs and modifications so that residents are safer and can live more independently in their own homes. Repairs will be completed free of charge for low-income clients.
Residents in the Potomac Health Foundation area who are susceptible to falls, namely those that are aging, have a physical disability and want to remain safely in their own homes.$75,000
(12 month)
TheArcThe Arc of Greater Prince William/INSIGHT, Inc
Promoting Better Health for Adults with Developmental Disabilities and the Staff who Support Them.

Participants will become more competent in their choices regarding food and exercise resulting in lower weight, better nutrition, and improved physical endurance.
Overweight adults with developmental disabilities and the staff who support them who reside and/or work in the eastern Prince William area.$100,000
(12 month)
ChangeInActionChange in Action, Inc.
Behavioral Management for Healthy Relationships

Individual neurofeedback therapy and group anger management counseling so that families become aware of and incrementally identify anger both emotionally and physiologically and learn the skills necessary to handle their anger and stress appropriately. Behavioral management training for family members to increase life/social skills that will increase protective factors and decrease risk factors within the home environment and will enhance healthy child physical and emotional development.
Assist 175 individuals (youth-parents) with Behavioral Management Services.$130,027
(12 month)
ManassasMidwiferyManassas Midwifery
Improving Birth and Early Childhood Outcomes through Centering Health Care

Manassas Midwifery seeks to expand its Centering Pregnancy® program, an evidence-based innovative model of group prenatal care shown to improve birth outcomes. We are committed to offering high quality, culturally competent care for our community’s most vulnerable women. We also seek to become the first Centering Parenting® provider in Virginia, offering a continuum of care for both mother and baby through the first year of life. While this care will prevent infant illness, injury, and death, it will also promote the health and well-being of new families.
Approximately 500 women residing in Dumfries/Triangle, uninsured or on Medicaid.$195,720
(12 month)
PrinceWilliamCountySchoolsPrince William County Public Schools
Prince William County School of Practical Nursing

A world-class human patient simulation laboratory enables graduating nursing students to increase their skills’ proficiency and limit the amount of orientation hours needed to train new nurses. Having competent graduating students in the workforce will help decrease the nursing shortage. Decreasing the nursing shortage will allow for increased competent nurses taking care of patients in the Potomac Health Foundation service area.
The target population will be student nurses attending the Prince William County School of Practical Nursing and school nurses affiliated with the Prince William County Office of Student Health.$30,000
(12 month)
sentara-logoSentara Northern Virginia Medical Center
EMS to Hospital EKG Transmission

This grant will provide funding to purchase hardware and software to decrease crucial time to diagnose patients having a ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). This will enable the EMS team to transmit the EKG performed in the field to the hospital before the patient arrives at the hospital. This will significantly reduce diagnosis time and initiate the process to engage the cardiac catheterization team to prepare for the patient before the patient arrives at the hospital.
Target population will be all patients in the service area experiencing chest pain being transported to the hospital via EMS.

Number affected in target area: 3650
(12 month)