Programs funded by Potomac Health Foundation grants must serve communities in the Foundation geographic service area and endeavor to improve the health of the community by increasing access to health care for the medically underserved. The Foundation makes grants to organizations through these programs of support:
Howard L. Greenhouse Large Grant Program: The large majority of the Foundation’s grant making is done through the Howard L. Greenhouse Large Grant Program. This program makes project-based grants, renewable on an annual basis, through an open Request for Proposals (RFP) process. The inaugural Large Grants were made in 2011.
Health Safety Net Program (HSN): The Health Safety Net support was started in 2014. Through this window, the Foundation grants general operating support awards by invitation only to agencies making up the health safety net for the medically underserved. This includes support for those agencies that provide direct clinical services to patients, including primary, dental, medication, mental health, vision or other health services. These grants are made on an annual basis and there is no limit to number of years funded.