2014 HSN Grants
Agency Logo | Program Description | Grant Award |
![]() | Greater Prince William Community Health Center The Center is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) that provides comprehensive primary care and preventive care, including prenatal, oral and behavioral health services to persons of all ages, regardless of their ability to pay or health insurance status. The Center is a critical component of the health care safety net and expands access by providing “open access” unscheduled visits, emergency dental and high risk prenatal services with sliding fee discounts to eligible patients. | $150,000 |
![]() | Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic Access to health care and healthy communities go hand-in-hand. The Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic and its team of over 600 volunteers provide services such as primary and specialty care, women's health, mental health, nutrition education, and physical therapy. Additionally, our on-site, licensed pharmacy provides access to prescription medications. Patients have access to free diagnostics (including surgery and chemotherapy) through our essential community partners. | $150,000 |
![]() | Manassas Midwifery Manassas Midwifery has expanded its Centering Pregnancy® program, an evidence-based innovative model of group care shown to improve birth outcomes, successfully in the Dumfries area and have established ourselves as the first Centering Parenting® provider in Virginia which has offered a continuum of care for mother and baby through the first year of life. We desire to continue this success by increasing access to our Centering programs and the other services provided at our office. | $25,000 |
![]() | National Capital Poison Center NCPC strengthens access to health care by providing immediate, 24/7, free, expert medical guidance by phone, without prejudice, optimizing medical outcomes in poison emergencies. Immediate access to this service allows poisoned patients to make informed decisions -- they do not need to seek unnecessary care in emergency rooms nor delay lifesaving intervention. NCPC services minimize the severity and cost of treating poisonings, free emergency rooms and ambulances for true emergencies, and shorten hospital stays. | $165,000 |
![]() | NOVA ScriptsCentral, Inc. Prescription Medications for the Low-income Uninsured. During the 2014 grant year NSC will provide access to medications for 1,100 low-income uninsured patients at 5 clinics in the PHF catchment area. 28,500 months of medications valued at $2.3 million will be dispensed to patients who reside in the PHF catchment area. NSC will submit 650 PAP applications to the pharmaceutical companies for medications NSC does not stock and will provide ‘bridge’ medications to tide a patient over until PAP medications are received. | $200,000 |
![]() | Pediatric Primary Care Project The mission of the Pediatric Primary Care Project (PPCP) is to place uninsured children (0-18 years) in “medical homes” for the purpose of meeting their primary health care needs. Through the support of Potomac Health Foundation we are able to serve 161 children in the service area.. Last year PPCP received over 4,000 phone calls. Early intervention and providing access to early health care prevents larger costs to the family and to the locality. | $35,000 |
![]() | Prince William Area Free Clinic The Prince William Area Free Clinic (PWAFC) will increase access to medical care for uninsured indigent residents of Prince William County. | $134,919 |
![]() | Rx Partnership Rx Partnership seeks to address the critical health need of access to care – specifically increasing the speed, efficiency and types of medication available as an important element of the comprehensive care provided by local clinics to the significant number of uninsured Virginians in the Potomac Foundation service area. | $25,000 |
![]() | Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center This project consists of two mobile clinics that go out into the community to improve access to care for the medically underserved, uninsured, low income population of our community. We reach out to them rather than ask them to come to us. This makes access easier for those who have no transportation. We are in their own backyards. | $150,000 |
2014 MAP Grants
Agency Logo | Program Description | Grant Award |
![]() | Brain Injury Services Brain Injury Services plans to “improve financial management and sustainability.” We will address three areas: 1) The web-site needs to be updated and made more “friendly” for donors who use their mobile devices, 2) BIS needs to develop a cost accounting structure for the recovery of burden cost such as fringe benefits, occupancy and General and Administrative (G&A), 3) We need to develop a strategic marketing plan and tools specific to the Prince William program. | $23,100 |
Employment Solutions for Deaf and Hard of Hearing The two priority areas PAH will focus on are to strengthen executive and board leadership, and improve financial management and sustainability. PAH will use MAP funding to provide non-profit leadership and accounting training for the new Executive Director of PAH, Board training, infrastructure, and consultant services needed to become a viable non-profit. These investments will result in an effectively managed, sustainable independent non-profit agency by the end of 2014. | $25,000 | |
![]() | Prince William Health Partnership The organization would hire consulting expertise to create and launch a broad- based funding plan. This would enable the organization to expand capacity by moving from full dependence on grants for financial viability/sustainability, to a broader base of financial support. Included, but not limited to, would be paid memberships, on line donations, and fee-based programs. While the plan would be created by a consultant with fund raising expertise, it would be implemented by staff. | $23,000 |
![]() | Action in Community Through Service (ACTS) ACTS MAP Program will address financial management and sustainability by measuring the impact of the Medical Care Givers and Helpline programs through a third party evaluation and increased visibility. The research findings will evaluate the impact of each program. MAP will measure Medical Care Givers economic impact on the local economy and the long term economic impact on individuals that are graduates. The research findings for Helpline will be used to establish and implement a protocol to measure the economic impact of the program on the local medical resources. The development of a social media outreach plan will increase public support and awareness of each program’s benefits. | $40,000 |
![]() | The House, Inc. Student Leadership Center In 2012, THI began an organizational strategy growth assessment. The requested funds through the foundation will focus to improve financial management and sustainability by growing its core individual and corporate partners to meet the growing demand of THI’s programs and expand on the strategy it began last year. | $12,000 |
Continuation Grants
Agency Logo | Program Description | Target Beneficiaries | Grant Award |
![]() | http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/ Teaching hands only CPR with chest compressions. This works by circulating oxygen that is present in the blood. The bloodstream of a person breathing normally contains enough oxygen to sustain life for several minutes. However, oxygen can't nourish cells unless it is circulated, either by a beating heart or by chest compressions, making the use of hands only CPR pivotal to a cardiac arrest victim. | The program will be open to all populations groups and will target 10,500 people in the community. However, because data continue to show that lower income and minority communities have lower bystander CPR rates, the program will work aggressively to ensure the inclusion of these populations. | $50,400 |
![]() | www.aspira.org Offering workshops for youth on National Diabetes Prevention Program Curriculum, engage youth in video contest messages focusing on making healthy choices about food, promoting healthy eating, exercise, and awareness about obesity and diabetes through an information campaign, and educating and disseminating information to individuals through 24 workshops at community based organizations. | ASPIRA proposes to target Hispanic youth and their families from Prince William County, (Dale City, Dumfries, Manassas and Woodbridge) through a series of workshops targeting 400 young people between the ages of 11-15, and a community awareness campaign targeting 6,000 families between the ages of 17-52. | $90,341.50 |
![]() | http://www.nvfs.org/ HealthLink provides oral health education and dental care services to low-income, uninsured individuals. Clients willingly engage in group discussions, ask important questions, and share experiences about their lack of knowledge on proper dental care, resources, and nutrition to support healthy oral health practices. Clients express appreciation for the usefulness and practical applicability of the information provided, reinforcing the fact that education for good dental hygiene is a valuable component to NVFS’s oral health programs. | The target population for the HealthLink program is uninsured adults whose income is under 200% Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and who reside in the zip codes targeted by the Foundation. | $69,827 |
![]() | Prince William County Schools This program will result in improved outcomes for students with significant mental health issues through increased collaboration between PWCS and other agencies who are involved in supporting students transitioning back to school from psychiatric hospitalization and/or mental health crisis and by providing identified youth with a dedicated case manager who will facilitate inter-agency and inter-departmental collaboration. | 60 students in PHF catchment area who pose a serious threat of violence, have mental health issues that preclude them from attending school, and/or who are returning from psychiatric hospitalization. | $86,236 |
![]() | http://www.pwsi.org/ Our program will focus on the prevention of childhood obesity and more specifically the prevention of Type II Diabetes in Juveniles and adult onset diabetes. Our Soccer For Success program is a curriculum based program which gets kids active three days a week and integrates a healthy lifestyle element to the curriculum. Kids who complete the program will be healthier and much less likely to develop diabetes in both the short term but also long term. | We are targeting underserved children in the community. We will target 200 children ages ranging from 8-10 who are Title 1 schools in our service area. Over half of our participants will be on free/reduced lunch. | $25,777 |
![]() | http://www.sentara.com/NorthernVirginia/Pages/Home.aspx CHF Care Transitions program will promote treatment and coaching to improve quality and length of life for people who have heart failure through education, home visits, and monitoring of medications, diet, and water retention. Program consists of 30 days post-discharge from the hospital to assist in educating and empowering CHF diagnosed individuals and their caregivers to assert self-management and understanding red flags indicators for his/her condition and how to respond. | Recently hospitalized Congestive Heart Failure patients of North Stafford, Eastern Prince William, and Lorton. 90% of SNVMC’s CHF patients are 50 years of age and older. No charge for patients or insurance for Care Transitions program. The patient has the right to participate or deny additional services. The total affected in the target area is ~2,329(2012 estimate); 60.3 per 10,000 (PHF 2012 Health Profile. | $125,000 |
![]() | http://arcgpw.org/ Provide information, coordination, support and guidance for individuals with complex medical needs in the agency's residential program, INSIGHT. Due to this timely and effective intervention, the Case Manager will assist these individuals to access needed supports and services that can prevent long term and often costly hospital and nursing home admissions. | The target population is adults with developmental disabilities who reside or are scheduled to move into the agency’s residential services in the eastern Prince William area. They require medical case management to prevent hospitalization and nursing home admissions. They are all very low income as defined by HUD and there is a mixture of race and gender. The ages of the individual’s average late middle-aged to elderly, but there are a few younger. | $68,000 |
![]() | http://www.vccs.edu/ The program will address Access through scholarships and a leadership curriculum that focuses on healthcare issues of interest to PHF and that align with PHF funding priorities. Several colleges have health sciences leadership courses that could be adapted to a workshop format and perhaps offered for credit. | The target population is second-year full-time associate degree health sciences students at GCC and NVCC who live in the zip codes served by PHF. Based on current enrollments, we project that in 2014-15 approximately 75-80 students would be eligible Fellows candidates. There are no restrictions as to age, gender, race, language, or socioeconomic status although financial need is one criterion for scholarship awards. | $125,000 |
This table is available as a PDF. Click here to download the 2014 Year One Grants
Agency Logo | Program Description | Target Beneficiaries | Grant Award |
![]() | Action in Community Through Service ACTS Medical Caregivers Training Program This program seeks to avoid this deterioration by providing 4 comprehensive Nurse Aide training to passionate and motivated low-income residents of the county. This program serves two target groups by matching the needs of low-income residents for job training with the need for quality healthcare workers by aging adults. The efforts of these well trained individuals will lead to greater independence of patients and better quality of life. | Enrollment of 40 students, anticipating that they will achieve their BLS/CPR certification. Minimum of 320 hours of classroom education and minimum of 160 hours of clinical experience. | $138,700 |
![]() | Action in Community Through Service ACTS Helpline Assistance and Outreach Project ACTS Helpline will continue to meet the community demand of those individuals in personal crisis including suicidal ideation by maintaining the 24/7 hotline. Outreach service to the elderly and disabled will continue and efforts will be made to expand outreach. The LOSS (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors) will provide on-site support and aftercare those individuals in our community impacted by the death of a loved one to suicide. | Continue to provide service to those families bereaved by suicide via the LOSS team. To expand outreach to serve those families who did not have contact with the LOSS team, but were referred to Helpline by Prince William County police. | $132,650 |
![]() | Brain Injury Services Brain Injury Services BIS uses innovative therapies and supports to empower individuals to participate in daily activities as independently as possible. Individuals with brain injuries sometimes find it challenging to manage their emotions and behaviors. The treatment team helps participants learn practical and effective self-management strategies, as well as multiple approaches including cognitive behavioral therapy, applied behavioral analysis and techniques used for stress reduction. | Continue to work with 25 individual, new and continuing clients having neurobehavioral issued that prevent daily functioning in the community. | $195,989 |
![]() | Employment Solutions for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Employment Solutions for Deaf and Hard of Health Providing Access to Healthcare (PAH) will promote access to healthcare by accompanying clients to appointments, advocating for clients who are accessing healthcare, providing communication facilitation (e.g., interpreters) to promote access to services and information, helping clients apply for Medicaid and Medicare, and educating deaf/hard of hearing/deafblind individuals about healthcare options and self-advocacy. | 1177 deaf/hard of hearing/deafblind persons living in Prince William County and North Stafford County. | $43,475 |
![]() | George Mason University The ACHIEVES Project (AdvanCing Healthcare Initiatives for undErserVed Students) The ACHIEVES Project is a collaborative between George Mason University and the Prince William County Public Schools. The project offers increased access and quality of scholastic sport healthcare and concussion education in middle and secondary schools using certified athletic trainers as care providers, educators and record keepers. | The ACHIEVES project targets 80,527 students, their parents and 6,114 PWCS school staff (teachers, counselors, administrators, athletic trainers, nurses and coaches) in 84 elementary, middle and high schools in PWCS with an estimated direct benefit to greater than 170,000 PW residents in the PHF service area . | $381,437 |
![]() | Prince William Area Free Clinic Medication Access Case Management Prince William Area Free Clinic (PWAFC) funding will be used for a pharmacy technician to operate as a medication case manager and to off-set medication costs when not covered under other formularies, during gap periods, or when clients cannot pay. | The PWAFC serves uninsured residents of Prince William County (PWC) meeting 125% of the state poverty guidelines. There are 69,309 uninsured residents in PWC. | $86,385 |
![]() | Prince William Health Partnership Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) Sustainability and Expansion Conduct curriculum development, program implementation, teacher training evaluation of the HEAL program for pre-school, Prince William Country elementary and middle school students. | 255 4 to 5 year old pre-school students residing in the PHF service area. | $45,000 |
![]() | Rainbow Center The Mane Experience Provide access to students with autism, intellectual/cognitive and physical disabilities to experience the benefits to equine assisted activities for the medically underserved. | 63 students with special needs who attend Forest Park and Hylton High Schools. | $70,610 |
![]() | Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center Every Baby, Every Time! Assist low income, uninsured and underinsured high-risk pregnant women to received quality, affordable prenatal care. | 35 uninsured pregnant women in Eastern Prince William County and North Stafford. 10 community locations will be targeted for an education program regarding the importance of early prenatal care. | $122,385 |
![]() | The House, Inc. Student Leadership Center Fitting In FITTING IN continues to successfully address the prevention of childhood obesity. The House, Inc.’s long-standing commitment to health and fitness continues so that students today will grow up healthier and able to pursue their dreams. FITTING IN’s comprehensive strategies are about putting students on a path with tools they need to live healthy, balanced, and active lifestyles by incorporating physical fitness and good nutrition. | 875 students will increase physical activity and learn new strategies for achieving their health and fitness goals. | $105,000 |
![]() | Youth for Tomorrow Crisis Intervention Counseling Program A community-based Crisis Intervention program to strengthen access to mental health services for medically uninsured/underinsured, and underserved residents. Crisis Intervention Counseling is a short-term strategy (lasting from 1 day to 2 months) providing support and problem-solving to help clients change behavior patterns or problematic thinking. | 135 children ages 5 through 21 win the PHF service area will complete case management and treatment plans. | $172,600 |
This table is available as a PDF. Click here to download the Summary of 14B Continuation Grants
Agency Logo | Program Description | Target Beneficiaries | Grant Award |
![]() | Medical Care for Children Partnership Foundation Project Pearly Whites – Lorton Children see a dentist every six months, providing any support necessary. Distribution of oral health materials in five languages will continue. This material goes to MCCP families as well as our community partners. | Children who reside in 22079, without access to affordable private or public health insurance, live in families with incomes up to 250% FPL, and are birth to age 19 are eligible. | $42,007 |
![]() | Nueva Vida Reducing Fragmentation and improving continuity of care across the breast cancer continuum To mitigate the impact of breast cancer through direct cancer screenings, diagnosis, treatment, and case management. In partnership with partner organizations (Sentara, Virginia Department of Health, Prince William Hospital, El Salvador Consulate, and free clinics), a culturally competent bilingual navigator will provide education and services on breast health/cancer to 300 Latinos and their families. | NV’s clients are low-income, medically underserved, ages between 18 and 83. About 78% are uninsured, 70% do not speak any English, and most are zerogeneration immigrants. Approximately, 87% live below the 100% poverty line, and the majority of the rest fall between 100 and 200%. We aim to serve 300 Latinas in the target areas: Woodbridge 22191, Dumfries 22026, Triangle 22172, Quantico 22134, Dumfries 22025, Manassas 20112, Dale City 22193, Lake Ridge 22192. | $91,076 |
![]() | Prince William County Schools Human Trafficking Prevention, Identification, and Referral The project focuses on prevention of the physical/emotional trauma of human trafficking to mitigate serious health issues. Through the comprehensive education/ prevention initiative, identified youth will receive coordinated care for health, counseling, and psychiatric consultation from supportive community organizations. | Approximately 4,000 staff (support personnel, administrators, teachers) and approximately 2,800 ninth graders at six high schools in the PHF zip codes will participate in trafficking awareness and identification sessions that include strategies for prevention. The general population will be exposed to awareness materials posted throughout the affected zip code areas. | $78,713 |
![]() ![]() | Prince William Health District BEAT Cancer Breast Education Awareness & Treatment BEAT_CA will focus on breast cancer mortality prevention. The approach will be two pronged: develop a community breast cancer coalition to determine gaps in care, and institute a patient navigator program both pre and post breast cancer diagnosis. Funds will be used to develop culturally sensitive programs to increase breast cancer detection and survival among women in the Potomac Health Foundation service area within the Prince William Health District. | The coalition will have a broad focus on the issue of breast cancer in the community. However, because African American women have a higher breast cancer mortality rate and a more advanced stage of cancer at diagnosis, the initial patient navigator program pilot will focus on 5,117 African American women 18 years of age and older living in the Dumfries and Triangle areas. | $60,779 |
![]() | Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging The RAAA Aquia Garrisonville Healthcare Project This project will provide prevention information in group training sessions and will increase access to needed medical care and health benefits through one-on-one counseling. These services will be made accessible to individuals by being held within collaborative organizations, or transportation could be provided to our office. Specially trained Counselors (staff and volunteer) will provide the services. | Individuals who are educationally disadvantaged/medically underserved/members of racial or ethnic minorities/individuals with disabilities, with a concentration on those who are age 60 and above. There will be a specialized focus on individuals who are Hispanic or Latino. | $30,000 |
![]() | Streetlight Community Outreach Ministries Permanent Supported Housing & Respite Care for Medically Fragile Homeless Adults StreetLight plans to reduce preventable illness and disease among medically vulnerable homeless persons, thus decreasing hospital re-admissions and reducing health care costs. StreetLight will accomplish this goal by offering permanent housing to homeless adults with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. We will also provide housing, care transition and coordination for homeless discharged patients who do not meet hospital impatient criteria, but are too ill to be on the streets. | StreetLight will serve up to four homeless adults who are medically vulnerable due to chronic health conditions. Transitional respite care will be provided to up to 20 homeless adults annually who are discharged from hospitals yet still too ill to live on the streets. We will serve homeless clients living in areas of Prince William County. | $49,990 |
![]() | Change in Action Behavioral Management for Healthy Relationships Individual neurofeedback therapy and group anger management counseling so that families become aware of and incrementally identify anger both emotionally and physiologically and learn the skills necessary to handle their anger and stress appropriately. Behavioral management training for family members to increase life/social skills that will increase protective factors and decrease risk factors within the home environment and will enhance healthy child physical and emotional development. | Change in Action is targeting adults, teens and youth ages 5-12 who have an issue with anger/violence. | $181,813 |
![]() | Greater Prince William Community Health Center Expanding Access to Dental Services in Prince William County Affordable access for the uninsured to dental services is very limited in the Foundation’s service area. This funding will allow low income, uninsured families access to low cost root canal and crown services. Nearly 10% of our patients (250) in 2011 did not have access to these services given the Center did not have the equipment, supplies, laboratory support, provider training, or patient fee subsidy in place to perform this work on-site. The Center's integrated and coordinated care service delivery model will facilitate our dental patient's access to primary, behavioral, and dental services as well, i.e., all services are under one roof. Our Medicaid eligibility/ renewal staff will foster the sustainability of this access as we convert self-pay patients to Medicaid patients. | The target patient population includes approximately 130 medically underserved patients that reside in the service area during the grant period. | $70,510 |
![]() | Medical Care for Children Partnership Foundation Medical Care for Children’s Partnership Foundation This program is designed to provide access to health care for children in low-income families who do not qualify for any public or private insurance. Outreach is a major part of the project. Information will be disseminated throughout zip code 22079 through schools, child care centers, Head Start, other non-profits, businesses in the area such as food markets, hair salons, etc. Media outreach will be a component of the program. | Children who reside in 22079, who do not have access to affordable private or public health insurance, live in families with incomes up to 250% FPL, and are birth to age 19 are eligible. | $47,158 |
![]() | Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission Transportation Voucher Program to Facilitate access to health care needs The program is designed to ease/eliminate mobility/transportation challenges confronting older Americans, people with disabilities and low income households residing in the Potomac Health Foundation’s designated zip codes within Prince William County by providing transportation for medical-related trips though a transportation voucher program. | The targeted population is residents within the Potomac Health Foundation's specified zip codes within Prince William County qualifying for age, disability, or income reasons. The “age” criterion is 80+ years, the “disability” criterion is as defined by the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and the “income” cap is 1.9 times the federally defined “poverty” income levels. | $401,701 |
![]() | Prince William County Department of Social Services Case Coordinator for Health and Supporting Services: Access for the most vulnerable homeless adults Case Coordinator position at the Drop-In Center (a partnership between DSS and the Cooperative Council of Ministries (CCOM)) to provide access to healthcare services and reduce the incidence of preventable illnesses. This position will support homeless individuals in accessing healthcare and other supportive services. | The target population is homeless adult individuals living in campsites or other transient settings in Eastern Greater Prince William that visit the Drop-In Center year round. | $29,990 |
![]() | Prince William County Schools Prince William County School of Practical Nursing A world-class human patient simulation laboratory enables graduating nursing students to increase their skills' proficiency and limit the amount of orientation hours needed to train new nurses. Having competent graduating students in the workforce will help decrease the nursing shortage. Decreasing the nursing shortage will allow for increased competent nurses taking care of patients in the Potomac Health Foundation catchment area. | Student population is variable from year to year. The majority of students live throughout the county and the surrounding areas. Demographics are consistent with the Potomac Health Foundation service area. | $31,500 |
![]() | Project Mend-A-House Preventing Falls for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Project Mend-A-House's program will prevent falls from occurring and/or reoccurring by providing safety and fall risk education; offering fall risk assessment screenings to seniors; providing medical alert devices to seniors, and other at-risk clients; installing daily assistive living safety equipment; and completing in-home safety assessments, home repairs and modifications so that residents are safer and can live more independently in their own homes. Repairs will be completed free of charge for low-income clients. | Project Mend-A-House (PMAH) will target eastern Prince William area residents that are at risk for falls and people who want to remain healthy and prevent falls. This includes people who are aging, physically disabled, experience vision problems or on medication that decreases stability. PMAH will provide free home repair for persons earning 50% or less of the area median income. Families above this threshold may receive safety modifications at reduced costs. | $85,000 |
![]() | Sentara Healthcare Family Health Connection Outreach Worker Uninsured low income patients without a medical home are frequently discharged from the hospital and emergency room to follow-up with providers for whom they are unable to pay. Many times, follow-up is not done and patients return to the hospital's emergency room for readmission for the same problem or for another problem. The outreach coordinator will help assist these patients to find a medical home. | The target population are the uninsured, low income patients who are seen in Sentara NVMC's emergency room and those admitted to the hospital. They must reside in eastern Prince William and Stafford counties. | $25,367 |
![]() | Sentara Healthcare Sentara Potomac Women’s Health Mammovan The program will work to improve screening mammography rates, decrease breast cancer mortality rates & improve breast cancer local staging rates in Prince William County | We intend to provide screening mammograms to women in our primary service area, as well as provide follow up breast care to a minimum of 25 women (3.5% of screening population) as identified by the Prince William Area Free Clinic. | $360,461 |
![]() | The House, Inc Student Leadership Center The House, Inc.’s Empowerment Center It is widely accepted that the financial cost of crisis intervention and treatments services are enormous, yet the cost to families is even greater. The most significant opportunity we have to impact these costs are family support programs that emphasize prevention through the EmpowerMEnt Center. We are likely to have 'payback curves' that extend over a long period of time with the much savings occurring in the student reaches a non-violent adulthood. | The EmpowerMEnt Center will provide services to families within the Potomac Health Foundation’s Prince William County service area. The EmpowerMEnt Center targets approximately 485 individuals, in grades 4-12, to provide intensive services with an additional 1,940 beneficiaries. | $159,000 |
![]() | Youth for Tomorrow YFT Diagnostic and Assessment Center Our primary objective is to provide children, youth and families in Eastern Prince William County, Virginia access to diagnostic and assessment services, including early recognition for mental health disorders, risk assessments, chronic illness supports, medication management, and treatment planning, which ensures a higher quality of life and overall well-being of clients receiving services. | The YFT Diagnostic and Assessment Services will provide services to children ages 3 - 21 whose intellectual, emotional, social, behavioral, and/or personality functioning are in question. The targeted population to receive these services fall within the PHF catchment area, regardless of insurance status. | $213,123.50 |
![]() | Gang Response Intervention Team Gang Prevention and Intervention Health Support Services | The target population are youth and young adults who are gang members or human trafficking victims, or who are at risk of such activities. | |
![]() | Actions in Community Through Service ACTS Supportive After Care Wellness Program The program will provide access to primary health care for medically underserved residents in the emergency shelters that are operated by ACTS. ACTS will actively engage clients to educate them about the medical opportunities that exist and are affordable to its clients. ACTS staff will encourage clients to consult medical professionals for exams and preventative care recommendations. | The target population will be 400 individuals that access our housing services that were homeless in the PHF service area. |
This table is available as a PDF. Click here to download the Summary 14C Continuation Grants